Industrial Filter Bags

Standard or Trade Size Bags

Filter Products Company supplies standard trade-size bags in both woven and felt media. Please consult this Filter Bag Size Chart to determine which size bag you need.

Woven Bags – Nylon & Polyester

Our woven media bags (or mesh media bags) come in two types: NMO (nylon monofilament) and PEMU (polyester multifilament). We offer them in micron ratings as high as 600 microns, and we offer ratings 25 microns and below with no minimum order quantity.

  • Superior dirt release compared to felt media. They can be washed and reused numerous times.
  • A smart choice for surface retention filtration.
  • Economical removal of non-deformable contaminates.
  • Higher flow rates.

Felt Bags – Polyester & Polypropylene

Felt media bags operate on the principle of depth filtration. Our felt bags comes in two types: PES (polyester felt) and POG (polypropylene felt).

  • Superior dirt-holding capacity compared to woven bags.
  • Can retain both gelatinous and non-deformable solids.
  • Effective capture of lightweight particles.
  • While disposable, these bags can also provide limited reusability with backflushing.
  •  Inexpensive even for ratings 25 microns and below.

High Efficiency Filter Bags

In addition to the XOAM oil absorbing filter bags and POMF and PEMF High Efficiency Microfiber Bags, FPC offers the following:

  • 500 Series High Performance Filter bags in Size 2 with a multilayer technology option. This bag complies with FDA regulations governing food and beverage contact, and
  • BOSA Absolute High Efficiency Filter Bag – High efficiency microfiber filter bag with graded-layer configuration provides low initial pressure drop and maximum dirt holding capacity.

Specialty Filter Bags

FPC carries the following specialty filter bags product range:

  • Extended Surface Pleat Bags – This bag is designed for high dirt holding capacity and high flow, which is achieved by pleating two layers of nominal felt to create a pre-filter and final filter layer inside a standard Size #2 bag filter
  • DF Style Welded Filter Bags – All welded duo flow filter with greater media surface area for use on size #1 and #2 bag systems.
  • SBF and FMC Welded Filters – These replacement filter bags are constructed from nylon monofilament mesh (NMO) available in a wide range of absolute micron ratings. NMO mesh filter media is woven from single-fiber threads, with precise square openings to ensure consistent pore size. The bags have a unique double layer design for stiffness and durability.
  • PEPT Polyester Phenolic Filters – The Polyester Phenolic Treatment (PEPT’s) design incorporates single or dual layers of fully infused Phenolic Resin Textile. Broad chemical compatibility and excellent removal of gel-like particles.

Pall – FSI Filter Bag Replacements

Pall Corporation has discontinued many of the Pall Filtration and FSI (Filtration Specialist, Inc) bag filter housings, consumable filter bag and filter cartridges.

Filter Products Company, in conjunction with our partner manufacturers, are ready to help you keep your existing Pall and FSI equipment online by continuing to provide replacement filter bags and elements for this equipment.

Neptune Filter Feeder Replacement Bags

FPC offers Neptune Filter Feeder Replacement Bags in Polyester (PES) and Polypropylene (POG) in a range of micron ratings.

Replacement Baghouse Filters

FPC is pleased to offer replacement filter bags and cages for most styles and brands of baghouse filtration systems. Products are offered for pulse-jet, mechanical-shaker, single- and multi-pocket baghouse configurations. Pleated baghouse filters are now available for select applications, as well.

Our aftermarket alternatives are available for most OE manufacturers, including: AAF, Pangborn, Donaldson Torit®, Mac/Schenck, Parker, Wheelabrator, Griffin and many more.

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